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Living Organic


The term ‘organic’ will have a different meaning to each one reading this. I personally make every effort to breath, eat and sleep this life style. Living organic is what I want for myself as well as my family.

Many people are on a quest for this life style and believe that it’s the best choice for them. But there are questions people find themselves contemplating: “How do I change my eating habits, my basic methods of personal hygiene and all the ‘normal’ everyday stuff I’ve done for years?”

In today’s world of the educated consumer and the ready to make a dollar industry, the choices are by far greater than when I started this journey. Just about every grocery and big box store carries an organic line of products.

But these are the basics right? What about going deeper… like know where the stuff comes from. Who processed it? Who raised it?

We’re looking to purchase that beautiful brown, farm fresh egg right out of the hands that gathered and washed it… that’s what the search is really about… the knowing!

So many people who start on this quest have a desire to raise at least some of their own food in their own garden. They want to preserve what you’ve grown. Can some pickles,  make their own strawberry jam, have a few chickens, gather the eggs, wash them with your own two hands and then fry em’ up.

That’s the good life!

I can preach all this stuff because we did it… almost sixteen years ago. It wasn’t and still isn’t easy… there’s been many bumps in the road and I realize not everyone can do it… but I’ve never regretted it and I’ll never go back!

Living organic isn’t easy by any definition of the word! Here are some tips on how to start living organic and resources to help you get started.

*Starting a garden is probably the first attempt that most folks make… after all grandma and grandpa always had one! I remember being a child sitting in the middle of the long pea rows eating those beautiful and oh so yummy peas right out of the pod. Garden fresh goodness at it’s best! You’ll never know more satisfaction in your life than planting a seed or a seedling, nurturing it and then eating the bounty from what you’ve sown.  You’ll savor every mouthful and you’ll make sure everyone cleans their plate!

*Preserving your bounty by canning, freezing and drying is the normal next step. It’s such a rewarding feeling to ‘put-up’ what you’ve raised. There’s much to be learned in this field, but once you have your main supplies and a couple of sessions under your belt, you’ll quickly become an old pro and look forward to the harvest!

*Finding a local Farmer’s Market is another step in the ‘getting-to-know’ process. Frankly some folks can’t or simply don’t have the space for a garden, much less a chicken coop! The next best thing is definitely going to your local market and supporting the farmers that work so hard to bring you all those beautiful piles of healthy food each week! Knowing where your goods come from seems to be by far the most important element in this living organic journey.  Be sure to talk to your farmers and producers… they’re usually pretty excited to chat about what they do… after all it’s their passions that brought them to your market!

*Energy saving seems to be an important factor as well. When you shop local and purchase directly from the farmer/producer you’re saving! You’re saving fuel from the transportation of trucking in food from all across the country and the world.

*Minimize plastic use by shopping with recyclable grocery bags.

*Body, baby and home care products aren’t such a challenge any longer either. Most stores carry organic lines and thankfully there are many on-line catalogs that supply a wide variety of products. I believe this area is equally important as the food we eat! The harsh chemicals we slather over our bodies goes into the blood stream and I believe, will eventually affect us in a very negative way!

*We even have the availability of organic clothing and other fiber products. Check your farmers markets to find fiber producers. These farmers often produce wool and batting along with meat products.

Here’s a list of some really good books, magazines and sites that will help you on your way to living organic!

“A Slice of Organic Life”, Editor-in-Chief Sheherazade Goldsmith, Foreword by Alice Waters; Published by DK, discover more at

Organic Gardening Magazine,

Countryside & Small Stock Journal,

Edible WOW Magazine,

Taproot Magazine,

Mary Janes Farm Magazine,

Hobby Farm Magazine,

Acres USA Magazine

Local Harvest,

Local Dirt,


Baker Creek Heirloom Seed Catalog,

Fedco Seed Company,

Vitacost catalog- body/home care products,

The organic life style is a rewarding one. Yes, it takes some extra effort, but by applying even one of these ideas into your life you’ve taken the first step…  in living organic.

Happy Day,

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