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Simple Strawberry Milkshake

Clean and cut your strawberries

A hot summer day isn’t complete without something cold and frosty. When the fam gets in the mood for a fresh and simple shake, we turn to ingredients we have on hand. Strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries or even a ripe and juicy peach.

A few of my childhood memories include my grandmother hand-cranking ice cream, and that meant waiting for quite awhile before we were able to sit down and enjoy it. In today’s quick and simple generation, all we need to do is open the freezer door.

This milkshake recipe is as simple as it gets. We had a guest over an evening or two ago, and it was hotter than hades inside our home. My daughter asked me to whip up shakes and since we had an abundance of strawberries on hand, that was the flavor of the day. It was a bit of an eye opener that our guest didn’t know making a shake at home was so simple and quick. I promised her I would create a recipe post she could print out and save.

Any tasty fruit will be delicious. Experiment!

I have never measured a single ingredient while whipping up a shake. When I was younger, it was trial and error. If it was too runny, I used too much milk. Too thick, not enough milk. One thing I have found, you can never add too much fruit and a bit of added sugar makes it taste divine. However, for this post I couldn’t just type in that you need to add a bit of this and a bit of that, so I actually brought out the measuring cups and jotted down the numbers.

One thing to note as you are tossing together your ingredients, tasting your berries/fruit before blending your shake is a must. If they are very tart, you may want to add a bit more sugar than what I have added below. After you make your first round of shakes, you may find you want to increase the amount of fruit, milk or ice cream. Adjust every recipe to your flavor. Twist, tweak and make it your own.

Simple Strawberry Milkshake

Yields 2 Glasses

  • 1/2 pound strawberries
  • 1/4 teaspoon vanilla
  • 1 cup ice cream, vanilla
  • 2 Tablespoons milk

Method: Rinse, cut tops off strawberries and slice in half. Add strawberries, vanilla, ice cream and milk to blender until smooth

Print me and keep me

Our milkshakes aren’t always so “family friendly”. After the kids tottled off with their shakes in hand, the adults whipped up another batch. Omitting the milk, sugar and vanilla, we added Whipped Vanilla vodka and really got that blender whirring. When it was well blended, we poured in glasses and made a couple more.

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