Coffee Bean Popsicles

Coffee Popsicle IISprinklers are running in the morning to quench the lawn’s thirst and fans are blowing in the afternoon to quell the heat indoors. Summer is here and it’s time to head to the freezer for a frozen treat.

As the afternoon closes in my caffeine level begins to wane. These cool, tasty refreshments add a bit of life back into my work-filled day. I nab one out of the freezer and head out to the patio for a coffee break.

There are several options other than one solid color. For instance, you can freeze the cream, then add a small layer of coffee, freeze, add more cream, etc. Get creative and make this your own unique recipe.

Toss in a few coffee beans or chocolate chips for added texture and flavor.

Note: Use the amount of cream and sugar to taste. Less cream will give your popsicle a more robust coffee flavor, while more cream and sugar will sweeten it. Your choice. The amount of cream below is a gentle “guideline”.

There are several different types of popsicle molds available, simply google and find one that is right for you.

Coffee Bean Popsicles

Coffee PopsiclesIngredients

  • 2 cups brewed coffee
  • 1/2 cup Darigold heavy cream
  • Sugar to taste
  • A handful of coffee beans and chocolate chips


  1. Combine cream and sugar and stir until sugar is completely dissolved.
  2. Pour a bit of cream in the bottom of each popsicle mold and freeze until solid, about an hour.
  3. While your cream is freezing, brew your coffee, add in your cream and sugar mixture and stir until well combined. Chill in the refrigerator until cold.
  4. Remove molds with cream from the freezer and slowly pour cold coffee mixture into mold, filling to the top. Follow the mold directions, as they have different types of tops. Some may direct you to fill to top, while others need a bit of space.
  5. Place top on the mold, insert stick and freeze until solid.

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