Fitness experts weigh in on Bryan Johnson’s anti-aging lifestyle

Tech millionaire Bryan Johnson continues to back his $2M anti-aging lifestyle, known as ‘Project Blueprint.’, an attempt at reversing the aging process. 

The Blueprint Diet, conceived by tech entrepreneur Bryan Johnson, represents a cutting-edge approach to anti-aging and health optimization, known as biohacking. Johnson, who made his fortune through the online payment platform Braintree, later sold to PayPal for $800 million, has since focused his considerable resources on reversing his biological age and optimizing his health through a meticulously quantified lifestyle regimen. This regimen, costing him around $2 million annually, includes a comprehensive suite of dietary, exercise, sleep, and supplement strategies designed to achieve an optimum state of health and significantly reduce his biological age.

At the core of Johnson’s Blueprint Diet is a focus on precision and personalization, heavily reliant on data and scientific evidence. His daily routine includes consuming a strictly measured diet rich in pureed vegetables and vitamins, engaging in regular intensive exercise, and following a rigorous sleep protocol to enhance recovery and well-being. Johnson’s approach also involves regular blood tests, MRIs, ultrasounds, and other diagnostic tools to closely monitor his health and the effectiveness of his interventions.

The diet itself is relatively balanced, emphasizing whole foods, legumes, nuts, and a variety of spices and herbs for flavor, adhering closely to vegan principles but allowing for the addition of meat if desired. This flexibility ensures the diet is not only nutrient-dense but also sustainable and adaptable to individual preferences and nutritional needs.

Critically, Johnson’s Blueprint Diet and lifestyle are underpinned by a philosophy that prioritizes evidence-based interventions. He employs over 100 daily supplements, tailored exercise routines, and specific sleep and skin health protocols, all designed to maintain youthful vitality and health. His regimen highlights the potential of biohacking as a means to not just extend lifespan but improve the quality of life, though it also illustrates the substantial commitment and resources required to pursue such an intensive program.

While Johnson’s methods may seem extreme, they offer insights into the potential future of personalized health and wellness. His biohacking journey underscores the importance of data-driven health choices and the potential for technology and science to significantly impact our understanding and management of aging and health.

For those interested in exploring similar biohacking strategies, it’s crucial to consult with healthcare professionals to tailor interventions to one’s specific health profile and needs. Bryan Johnson’s Blueprint Diet and lifestyle regimen represent an ambitious, albeit niche, approach to wellness that may not be practical for everyone but certainly sparks conversation about the boundaries of what’s possible in personal health optimization.

Healthcare professionals at SET FOR SET anticipate that ‘Do-it-yourself biology,’ commonly known as ‘Biohacking,’ will emerge as a prominent wellness trend in 2024. A leading technology corporation endorses this revolutionary approach to health, prompting the specialists at SET FOR SET to detail the regimen of a notable adherent to inspire those interested in exploring biohacking.

A representative from SET FOR SET noted and shared:

He adheres to a rigorous routine, consuming 2,250 calories daily within a six-hour window, engaging in one hour of physical activity per day, taking 111 supplements daily, maintaining a consistent sleep schedule, undergoing frequent blood transfusions, and performing daily health assessments.

  • The regimen, dubbed the ‘Blueprint diet”, involves a 46-year-old entrepreneur investing $2 million annually to combat the aging process.
  • It’s reported his dietary intake includes 80 vitamins and minerals daily and 70 pounds of pureed vegetables each month.
  • His skincare routine involves using CeraVe Acne Control Cleanser, priced at $14.99, and microdosing on Accutane, a retinoid medication for severe acne, taking two 40mg pills weekly.

For those inspired by ‘Project Blueprint,’ the experts at SET FOR SET propose ten biohacking strategies to foster a longer, healthier lifespan:

Ice cold plunge

Cold plunging, a form of cold-water immersion therapy, is recommended for three minutes per session, totaling 11 minutes weekly. Research supports 50 to 59 degrees Fahrenheit (10 to 15 degrees Celsius) as the optimal temperature range for muscle soreness reduction, inflammation decrease, circulation improvement, and recovery enhancement post-exercise. It also boosts the immune system, sleep quality, and stress management.

Optimize your sleep

Aiming for seven to nine hours of sleep nightly supports muscle growth, brain function, blood sugar regulation, and longevity. Important practices include maintaining a consistent sleep schedule and exposure to natural light to regulate the body’s internal clock. Smart devices can monitor sleep patterns and quality.

Regular saunas

Saunas provide cardiovascular benefits by promoting detoxification and improving heart health when used three times a week for 30 minutes at temperatures between 175-195F (80-90C) with 10-20% humidity.

Himalayan salt in water

Adding 1 teaspoon of Himalayan salt to one liter of water daily can enhance electrolyte balance, detoxification, and metabolic rate.

Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT)

TRT can help men with declining testosterone levels improve energy, libido, bone density, muscle mass, insulin sensitivity, and mood. Monitoring testosterone levels, which should range between 300 to 1,000 ng/dL, is crucial, along with being aware of potential side effects.

Intermittent fasting

Intermittent fasting involves alternating eating and fasting periods, aiding in weight loss, reducing insulin resistance, and improving heart health. Beginners might start with a 14:10 or 12:12 fasting schedule, avoiding strenuous exercise during fasting periods.

Moderate coffee intake

Consuming low to moderate amounts of caffeine (50–300 mg) can enhance alertness and concentration, with up to 2.5 cups of coffee daily being beneficial for heart and liver health.

Regular blood testing

Annual blood tests can monitor health indicators such as glucose, cholesterol, and kidney function, aiding in early disease detection.


Practicing controlled breathing can alleviate stress and improve cellular oxygenation. A simple routine involves inhaling for 4 seconds and exhaling for 6 seconds, twice daily.

Red Light Therapy (RLT)

RLT enhances skin health, muscle recovery, and energy levels. It’s recommended to undergo RLT three times weekly for 10 minutes, which can also aid in treating inflammation, skin aging, acne scars, burns, and UV damage.

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